Terms and conditions savingsprogram

With our savings program you save Sparkypoints with every order, which can be exchanged for great rewards. For every €1 you spend in our webshop you will receive 1 sparky point. In order to earn Sparkypoints, you must be logged in to your customer account when placing your order. Don't have a customer account yet? Then you can create this in our webshop.

Through our savings program you can save for various products and/or discounts. The products you can save for may differ and/or be adjusted depending on stock.
Savings points remain valid as long as this program is activated in our webshop. If this is canceled due to circumstances, the saved points can still be surrendered.
By using our savings program you declare that you have taken note of this and you agree to this.

Save Sparkypoints
Every customer account can save Sparkypoints. These points are only awarded for orders placed via the webshop. The saved Sparkypoints are calculated per order after an approval period of 14 days. After this, the Sparkypoints will be credited to your account. Saved Sparkypoints will be rounded down per order. You can exchange the points you have saved for the available savings products in our savings program. (see the savings program page) If products are listed for an incorrect number of Sparkypoints, Sparks&Bling reserves the right to cancel the order in question. The Sparkypoints spent will then be refunded.

Validity period Sparkypoints
The validity of the Sparkypoints is unlimited. The Sparkypoints can only be exchanged for products from the savings system. Sparkypoints are not paid out.

Delivery of Sparkypoints
Products from the savings program, like all our other products, cannot be returned. Manufacturing and delivery errors are excluded.

Sparks&Bling is not responsible for fraudulent use of Sparkypoints. If you suspect that an incorrect credit or debit has taken place, you are obliged to report this in writing to Sparks&Bling

Changes in savings program
Sparks&Bling reserves the right to withdraw savings products, change them or add new Sparkypoints. Sparks&Bling also reserves the right to change the required number of Sparkypoints that must be exchanged for a savings product.

Do you have any further questions about our savings program? Then be sure to contact us.

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